27 de noviembre de 2006

Caballito...que es un barrio de buenos aires,
tambien tiene su gente que

10 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

Holis, Que groso lo que hace esta gente, tendriamos que todos salir por nuestras calles No Más Torres!
En el finde estube paseando por los Jardines del Museo Larreta, que bello lugar.
Un Abrazo

luna dijo...

Tito, I post a a reply to on my blog but I don't know if you can a message so I have reprinted it here.

Also, I would like to commend you on the wonderful job you have done on your blog and the beautiful pictures you have taken.

I will be looking with careful attention from now on.


toti spi

Thank you for your wonderful insight and alertness in realizing that this is not a real CHIMNEY! ya, ya ya

But if your a good boy or girl I think Santa might make some allowances, no?

Luna (Barcalunacy)

Marcelo Niño dijo...

Protestas, protestas, ya las hay en todos lados.
Caballito, caballito no es eso que tienen esos señores que van a coartar la libertad de protestar?????

Oscar Grillo dijo...

Aldeas eran las de antes.

luna dijo...

Muchas gracias for the wonderful comments you made.

The path could be anyplace one might like it to be but a tapa bar is right up my alley!!

Toti, post more pictures if you can.


luna dijo...

Muchas gracias for the wonderful comments you made.

The path could be anyplace one might like it to be but a tapa bar is right up my alley!!

Toti, post more pictures if you can.


luna dijo...

Muchas gracias for the wonderful comments you made.

The path could be anyplace one might like it to be but a tapa bar is right up my alley!!

Toti, post more pictures if you can.


luna dijo...

Muchas gracias for the wonderful comments you made.

The path could be anyplace one might like it to be but a tapa bar is right up my alley!!

Toti, post more pictures if you can.


luna dijo...

Muchas gracias for the wonderful comments you made.

The path could be anyplace one might like it to be but a tapa bar is right up my alley!!

Toti, post more pictures if you can.


luna dijo...
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